What are the myths & misconceptions about anxiety?

The biggest mistake that is very common in society, That is, there is difficulty sleeping, difficulty in swallowing, and insomnia, So take a sleeping pill or anxiety medicine and get fat. I would like to clarify that the science of pharmacology has developed a lot in the 21st century. So in today's time, one medicine for sleep is one group, and the other is anti-anxiety agents. So first of all let's clear that owl anti-anxiety agents are not wanted or needed. So we should understand it ourselves or consult the doctor and use it accordingly. Another thing that we often see in many societies and especially in our society, is that friends, family members, or elders, grow up, Strengthen yourself, strengthen yourself, there is no stress, and everything will be done, In some cases, if the person has anxiety as a disease, as a disorder, by increasing his mental strength or by pushing him, he will not be cured. Some women who need treatment should get treatment from a psychiatrist or a psychiatrist. In the stressful situations of everyday life, He may have a lot of different treatments.

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